Starting in January I have released one short, one-hour scenario per month, under the series title Flash Cthulhu. The final four are completed and now part of a ‘Season 3’ bundle, as well as together…
Browsing Category Flash Cthulhu
Flash Cthulhu Season 2 Overview – 4 (more) one-hour Call of Cthulhu scenarios
Since January I have been releasing one short, single hour scenario per month, under the series title Flash Cthulhu. I collected the first four into a ‘Season 1’ bundle, and now I’ve done the same…
Flash Cthulhu Season 1 Overview – 4 one-hour Call of Cthulhu scenarios
Since January I have been releasing one short, single hour scenario per month, under the series title Flash Cthulhu. I’ve collected the first four into a ‘Season 1’ bundle, and as I’ve only done a…
Flash Cthulhu: Café au Morte Overview (Call of Cthulhu)
This an overview of my Call of Cthulhu scenario, Café au Morte. In Short: An interpersonal skill-heavy, ultra short, one location scenario. No spoilers for Players and Keepers: Café au Morte is the first scenario…